How to Keep Your Carpets Clean and Stain-Free: A Guide for Homeowners

From how you vacuum to investing in good mats for every entrance, learn how to keep your carpets clean & stain-free with this guide for homeowners.

How to Keep Your Carpets Clean and Stain-Free: A Guide for Homeowners

From how you vacuum to your posture on your shoes in the house, there are several ways to keep your carpets clean and stain-free. Investing in good mats for every entrance, cleaning any stains immediately, always removing your shoes from the inside, splurging on a good vacuum, vacuuming twice a week, cleaning it properly, and having it cleaned professionally every year are all essential steps to keeping carpets looking their best. The easiest way to keep your carpet and rugs clean for longer is to prevent dirt and grime from getting on them right from the start. Be proactive and use doormats both indoors and outdoors.

Encourage family and visitors to clean their shoes before entering your home. Change your air filter regularly (every 60 to 90 days) to reduce the amount of particles that fall on your carpet.

Deep Cleaning for Maximum Protection

No matter how thoroughly you vacuum and clean the floors, one of the best ways to protect your carpets from spills and stains is to schedule a professional carpet cleaning. Make it a habit to vacuum carpets every week, especially in the busiest spaces in your home.

Professional-grade cleaning penetrates deep below the carpet fibers and removes all disgusting substances that you can't see. Don't use household products like white wine or dish soap to clean carpet stains. Hallways, carpeted staircases, and rooms with a lot of foot traffic require a little more attention. One of the best ways to protect the carpet is to prevent dirt or dust from accumulating and sinking.

You can ask a carpet cleaning professional to apply a protector to you, which will usually entail an additional cost in addition to cleaning.


Keeping carpets clean and stain-free requires a combination of proactive measures such as using doormats, changing air filters regularly, and vacuuming twice a week. Additionally, deep cleaning by a professional carpet cleaner is essential for maximum protection against spills and stains. By following these steps, you can ensure that your carpets remain looking their best for years to come.

Robyn Ramdeo
Robyn Ramdeo

Unapologetic bacon advocate. Freelance twitter evangelist. Beer expert. Infuriatingly humble coffee nerd. Wannabe bacon specialist. Lifelong web expert.

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