What is the Difference Between Steam Cleaning and Dry Cleaning Carpets?

Learn about the differences between steam & dry carpet cleaning methods & how to choose which one is best for your needs.

What is the Difference Between Steam Cleaning and Dry Cleaning Carpets?

Dry carpet cleaning and steam carpet cleaning are two distinct approaches to keeping carpets clean. Dry cleaners use a chemical-based solution to dissolve dirt from the carpet surface, while steam cleaners inject hot water into the fibers to release dirt particles. Dry cleaning uses powdered chemicals to clean the carpet, but requires much less water than steam cleaning. The National Academy of Sciences has declared that dry cleaners known as PERC (perchloroethylene or tetrachloroethylene) are a “possible human carcinogen”.

Electrodry's heavy traffic treatment includes the application of a specially formulated heavy-duty vehicle cleaning solution that breaks down the oil, grease and sugar that retain dirt on the carpet. Without proper pre-treatment, steam cleaning can be ineffective in removing greasy stains (dark spots on the carpet). Different fibers have different properties and react differently to carpet cleaning solutions, so it's important to choose the right method to avoid damaging the carpet. Dry cleaning is ideal for delicate carpets that can be damaged by moisture, while steam cleaning is better for carpets with deeper stains and that require more intensive cleaning.

If your rug is made of natural fibers, such as cotton, jute, wool, or others, you need to dry clean it to rejuvenate its appearance. However, there are many cleaning solutions for people with allergies that are non-toxic or hypoallergenic and do not contain dyes or perfumes. First of all, we will pre-spray the carpet with a cleaning solution and shake it with the rotary bonnet machine. This method is more effective than dry powder cleaning because it penetrates deeper into the carpet to remove more dirt and dirt.

Both steam cleaning and dry carpet cleaning are popular options, with the only difference being that you've guessed the amount of water used. To ensure quality results, be sure to choose a 26% carpet cleaning company whose services are backed by their experience and unwavering reputation in the area. The quality of cleaning ultimately depends on the carpet cleaning technician, the chemicals and the equipment. As an expert in carpet care, I'm often asked about the differences between steam cleaning and dry cleaning carpets. While both methods can be effective in removing dirt and debris from carpets, there are some key differences between them that should be taken into consideration when deciding which one is best for your needs.

Dry Carpet Cleaning

Dry carpet cleaning involves using a chemical-based solution to dissolve dirt from the surface of carpets.

This method requires much less water than steam cleaning and is ideal for delicate carpets that can be damaged by moisture. It's also great for carpets made of natural fibers such as cotton, jute, wool or others as it helps rejuvenate their appearance without damaging them.

Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning involves injecting hot water into the fibers of carpets to release dirt particles. This method is more effective than dry powder cleaning as it penetrates deeper into the carpet to remove more dirt and grime. It's also great for carpets with deeper stains or those that require more intensive cleaning.

Which Method Should You Choose?

The type of method you choose will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

If you have a delicate carpet that can be damaged by moisture then dry cleaning is probably your best option. However, if you have a carpet with deeper stains or one that requires more intensive cleaning then steam cleaning may be your best bet.


When it comes to choosing between steam cleaning and dry cleaning carpets, there are some key differences between them that should be taken into consideration. Dry cleaners use a chemical-based solution to dissolve dirt from the surface of carpets while steam cleaners inject hot water into the fibers to release dirt particles. Ultimately, it's important to choose a method that best suits your specific needs and preferences.

Robyn Ramdeo
Robyn Ramdeo

Unapologetic bacon advocate. Freelance twitter evangelist. Beer expert. Infuriatingly humble coffee nerd. Wannabe bacon specialist. Lifelong web expert.

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