7 Reasons Why Professional Carpet Cleaning is Better than DIY

Carpet cleaning is an essential part of home maintenance but it can be difficult task if done on own without right knowledge & techniques. Here are 7 reasons why professional carpet cleaning is better than DIY.

7 Reasons Why Professional Carpet Cleaning is Better than DIY

Carpet cleaning is an essential part of home maintenance, but it can be a difficult task to do on your own. Without the right knowledge of cleaning techniques, you could end up getting your carpet or rugs too wet. You may also use more cleaning solution than necessary or not dry the carpets properly. Home cleaning is much cheaper than hiring professional cleaners, and it can be done by renting or purchasing suitable cleaning equipment for carpets.

However, while DIY has its advantages, it also has some significant drawbacks. We've made a list of pros and cons for you below. When it comes to carpet cleaning, there are two main options: DIY or professional. While consumer-friendly carpet cleaners are fairly affordable to rent or buy, these machines tend to be of lower quality than those used by professionals.

They are usually less powerful, which means that dirt, water, and cleaning solution will not be completely removed. DIYers may only want to clean certain areas of the house, such as major traffic routes. When this is the case, it can be difficult for a professional to give an accurate estimate of the project. However, if you want to clean the entire surface of the carpet, you may want to hire a professional.

Moving heavy furniture on your own can be complicated or even dangerous, and a professional carpet cleaner will usually handle that for you. Cleaning your own rugs also means you can work on your own schedule. If you want to clean your carpets at 2 in the morning, a professional carpet cleaning must be scheduled in advance. But there are several reasons why professional carpet cleaning is better than DIY.

Firstly, the amount of water used by commercial cleaners keeps carpets damp for hours, and usually long after you've wanted to put the furniture back in and finish with it. Chem-Dry's patented cleaning technique uses only a minimal amount of water so that carpets dry in hours, not days. Commercially available stain removers may appear to treat problem areas, but once the carpet dries, the stains usually reappear. This is especially true for stains that have made their way through the carpet to the padding below.

When they are re-wetted with commercial cleaners, the stain returns to the surface. In addition, most store-bought cleaners and spotters leave soap residue on the carpet. These can quickly get dirty again and old stains and traffic lanes will start to reappear. The Chem-Dry method harnesses the power of carbonation to remove even deep stains and dirt from the carpet surface and remove them without leaving behind sticky residues that attract dirt.

When you clean carpets yourself, you may not have access to the same level of equipment, which can affect the quality of the cleaning. Many cleaning companies are now lending a hand to promote indoor cleaning, especially for all types of carpets. So, when it comes to household cleaners that don't completely dry the carpet, you might end up with a delaminated carpet. When home carpet cleaners dispense too much water or cleaning solution, they can leave additional brown stains on the carpet, forcing you to clean the area once more.

In general, the decision to clean the carpets yourself or hire a professional carpet cleaning service in the greater Seattle-Bellevue area depends on factors such as your budget, your availability of time, the condition of your carpets, and your confidence in your cleaning ability. This means that not only do you have to wait longer to walk on the carpet, but you also have to deal with the smelly odors that accompany the damp carpet.

7 Reasons Why Professional Carpet Cleaning is Better than DIY

Here are seven reasons why you might want to stick with professional carpet cleaners in Sioux Falls instead of doing it yourself:
  • Not only do you have to clean the carpets less often (since you're doing a more thorough cleaning), but you also have to change them less frequently (since you're extending the life of the rug).
  • When you invest in professional carpet cleaning in Sioux Falls, you're actually getting more out of your money.
  • These elements will stay on the carpet for a long time and can cause irritations and breakouts on the skin.
  • Unsightly spots and stains affect the look of your entire home, and a clean carpet can do wonders for both the look of your home and your mood.
  • One final problem with home carpet cleaning is that it can cause the carpet to get dirty faster in the future.
  • If you clean them yourself, you can use the cleaning methods and products you trust will be safe and effective for your specific type of carpet.
In conclusion, while DIY carpet cleaning may seem like an attractive option due to its cost savings potential, there are many drawbacks associated with it that make professional services more desirable in many cases. Professional services offer superior results with less effort and time investment from homeowners.

Robyn Ramdeo
Robyn Ramdeo

Unapologetic bacon advocate. Freelance twitter evangelist. Beer expert. Infuriatingly humble coffee nerd. Wannabe bacon specialist. Lifelong web expert.

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