How Often Should Hotels Clean Their Carpets?

We all understand that carpets in hotels need to be kept clean and presentable for guests. But how often should hotels shampoo their carpets? Learn more about different carpet cleaning methods for hotels.

How Often Should Hotels Clean Their Carpets?

We all understand that carpets in hotels need to be kept clean and presentable for guests. But how often should hotels shampoo their carpets? The answer to this question depends on the type of carpet, the amount of traffic, and the budget allocated for maintenance. Generally, hotels clean their carpets every six months, which is enough to keep them looking good all year round. Deep carpet cleaning can be done in a variety of ways, from shampooing to hot water extraction.

High-traffic areas should be cleaned at least once a month, while areas that are rarely used should be cleaned four times a year. Cleaning carpets in a hotel is different from cleaning in a house or other residential property due to the high amount of foot traffic. Every guest and even the maintenance staff step on the carpets, so it's important to use safe chemicals to prevent mold or mildew from forming. In case of fire or flood damage, steam cleaning technology is used to completely dry and disinfect the carpet.

Carpet cleaning is an essential task that must be done regularly to ensure the health and safety of hotel guests. Different technologies are available for hotels and property managers, so it's important to research and find out which method is best for their needs. For example, having carpeted floors in a hotel can involve the risk of mold and other allergens forming, so it's important to look for a cleaning contractor that uses the most effective cleaning technology. The main lobby of a hotel or motel should be vacuumed twice a day - once in the morning and once at night - and shampooed at least once a week when there is less traffic.

Shipping commercial rugs for hotels and motels anywhere in the United States from Dalton, Georgia, the carpet capital of the world is also an option. Cleaning hotel carpets is one of the most basic services that should be invested in. Between the size of a hotel and the foot traffic on each floor, it takes experience to keep a hotel rug clean at all times. Understanding how to properly clean hotel carpets is key to maintaining your hotel floors.

Robyn Ramdeo
Robyn Ramdeo

Unapologetic bacon advocate. Freelance twitter evangelist. Beer expert. Infuriatingly humble coffee nerd. Wannabe bacon specialist. Lifelong web expert.

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